Stands to empower and support the connection between generations through the method of storytelling and use of various multimedia
Through our projects and various activities we hope to help lend a bridge so that younger and older generations who were once isolated could share an environment of interactions.
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Interact and
Each other
Meaning Behind
Our Name
GIVE other than the standard definition of to offer actually has a more significant meaning. It stands for Generations Interact and Value Each other. When we were brainstorming for a name we actually wanted our name to hold the value for our mission and vision. Our focus is on the main two generations that make up our society: younger and older generations. Despite the big impact they have on our community there is a huge isolation between the two age groups. With our various activities and program the generations will get an opportunity to interact. After interaction, the next step would be for the generations to gain a realization of how valuable each other’s worth are. The generations must develop a growing bond of respect and love towards each other. Once these changes are shown and proven our society can improve and be a worthwhile community.