In this video, we celebrate the rich friendship of my grandma and her friend with whom she has shared 70 years. It is even hard keeping in touch with a friend for 10 years but our grandmas have done it again and we are here to listen and learn from their stories.
본 동영상에서 우리는 70여년간 지켜온 할머니와 절친간의 풍성한 우정을 기념해요. 친구와 10년의 우정을 간직하기도 솔직히 어렵잖아요. 그럼에도 할머니는 10년의 7번을 간직해왔어요. 그 분의 이야기를 들으며 함께 우정을 배워가고 싶어요.
Music by Ashton Edminster - Shades of Blue -
Music by Ashton Edminster - Explain It at the Coffee Shop -